
Lip Blush/Neutralization

Lip Blush/Neutralization is a permanent makeup procedure that implants cosmetic ink into the lip skin resulting in:

  • Neutralizing dark/cool tones of the lips

  • Boosts collagen production filling out the lines and creases of the lips

  • Adds symmetry and definition to overall lip shape

  • 24/7 smudge proof natural color

  • Great alternative to lip fillers

  • Lasts years before your next touchup

  • Cuts down makeup daily makeup routine and wont smudge off on your mask!



What is Lip Blush/Neutralization?

Lip blush is a form of permanent makeup. It is a cosmetic tattoo of the lips that enhances the beauty of the natural lip color, improving the shape by giving definition, symmetry and the illusion of fullness. Lip Neutralization has all the benefits of lip blush plus neutralizing the dark/cool tones which results in brighter and fuller lips.

How long does it last?

Lip blush can last up to 5 years with annual touchups in between to keep the lips looking fresh.

How long does the appointment take?

Consultation, shaping the lips, numbing, and the lip blush procedure can take up to 2.5 hours.

Can I still wear lipstick?

Yes, you can as long as you are healed from the procedure which can take up to 7 days or more.

I am prone to cold sores and have had cold sores in the past, can I still get lip Blush?

If you have a current outbreak, we will need to reschedule your appointment. You must take an ant-viral medication such as Valtrex. You can get this prescribed by your doctor. Lip Blush procedure can trigger a cold sore outbreak so it is very crucial to consult with your doctor about the prescription before proceeding. Double Strength Lysine is an over the counter supplement can reduce the chances of a cold sore. I recommend all my clients to take this 5 days before and 5 days after the procedure.

How long is the healing process?

5-7 days. You may experience swelling the first 2 days. Your lips will scab and feel chapped which is completely normal. When the scabs flake off, your lips will lighten up to 40%. You may also feel that NO COLOR HAS RETAINED. This is completely normal. Color will bloom at 6-8 weeks and show the true healed results. I ask that you do not judge the outcome of the lips until 6- 8 weeks as your body is doing its job by healing. A touchup may be needed at the discretion of the artist and can be performed at 8 weeks.

How painful is it?

A topical anesthetic will be used during the procedure. Clients have claimed zero to minimal discomfort.